Community Owned
for Community Benefit
Carrollton Municipal Utilities
is a community owned utility service providing electric and water service
for residents and businesses in Carrollton, Missouri. We exist solely
to serve our community. Please refer to the menu to the left for more
information or to contact us for any reason. Please let us know how
we might be able to serve you.
Environmental Mission Statement
Municipal Utilities commits to sound environmental practices and
maintain biological diversity for wildlife and preserve the integrity of
our planet, as we provide reliable energy services. We pledge to
participate in and contribute to efforts that recognize and promote sound
environmental stewardship, to continually seek to understand and address
concerns about the environment and strive to improve, protect and conserve
beyond the requirements of the law.
Electric and water rates are dependent upon
the type of service our Customer needs whether it’s Residential, Commercial
or Industrial. If you have any questions about your billing or rate
schedule for your business, please contact us at 542-0360 or come by our
Office at 500 South Main Street.
General Rule & Regulations:
A copy of CMU’s rules and regulations for
our Customers can be obtained at our Office between the hours 8:00am –
5:00pm. These rules are regulated under Ordinance No. 1063 of the Town of
Carrollton, Mo.
Energy Assistance
Salvation Army
Mo. Valley Human Resources
Carrollton Ministerial Alliance
Call Before You Dig

1-800-344-74832017 |