Community Owned for Community Benefit










500 South Main
Carrollton, MO


8 am - 5 pm
Mon - Fri

Nights and



:: Services and Policies




Application for Service:
A Customer applying for service may at the request of the Utility furnish sufficient information on the size and characteristics of the electric or water usage and the location of the premises to be served and such additional information as to enable the Utility to designate the class of service it will supply to the Customer. Identification must be presented at time of application for services. Good credit and a Deposit of $ 300.00 dollars is required. This fee may be changed at any time at the option of the Board of Public Works in order to adjust for increased costs of operation, service, or otherwise.
Customer Service:
Our Customer staff is always available to provide accurate billing and to handle request from our Customers and make sure your experience with CMU is enjoyable.
Disconnecting Services:
The Utility shall have the right to discontinue service to a Customer and remove its facilities or any portion thereof from the Customer’s premises upon any default by the Customer of any provision thereof. The Utility reserves the right, in addition to any and all other legal remedies, to refuse to reconnect its services to any Customer disconnected hereunder until such default shall have been remedied by the Customer.
Billing Procedures:
 The Utility will read the Customer’s meter monthly and bills based on such monthly readings will be rendered at intervals of approximately one month. The Billing Period shall normally be not less than 26 nor more than 35 days, except for initial corrected or final bills. A bill for service supplied by the Utility shall, upon rendition (by mailing or serving), become due and payable in the net amount thereof by the due date stated on the bill. Any unpaid bill for service shall become delinquent on the day after the due date stated on the bill.
Credit Policy:
A cash deposit or other credit arrangement to secure the prompt payment of Utility service bills may be required by the Utility as a condition of supplying or continuing to supply Utility service to a Customer. A deposit of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) is required to the Utility plus any other arrangements by the Utility and the Customer.
Tampering With Utility Facilities:
The Utility may discontinue service to a Customer and remove its facilities from the Customer’s premises, without notice, in case evidence is found that any portion of the Utility’s facilities has been tampered with in such manner that the Customers may have received un-metered service. In such event the Utility may require the Customer to pay for such amount of service as the Utility may estimate, from available information, to have been used but not registered by the Utility’s meter and to increase the amount of the Customers Deposit or indemnity bond or other credit arrangement before service is restored; and, in addition thereto, the Customer shall be required to bear all costs incurred by the Utility for such protective equipment as in the judgment of the Utility may be necessary.
Right of Access & Easement:
The Customer shall give the duly authorized agents and employees of the Utility, when properly identified, full and free access to the premises of the Customer without intimidation (dogs, etc) at all reasonable hours for the purpose of constructing, installing, inspecting, adjusting, repairing, maintaining, replacing or removing any of the Utilities facilities on the premises of the Customer, reading meters or for any other purpose incidental to the electric and water service supplied by the Utility. Denial of access may result in termination of service. The Customer is to provide at no cost to the Utility, all rights-of-way and easements required for the Utility’s facilities that may be required to serve the Customer.
Level-Payment/Budget Billing Plan:
Customers can contact the Utility’s Business Office at 500 South Main Street for an application. Only customers who have made regular and timely payments for the last year will be eligible. The budget billing will begin with the February 25th billing. Applications will need to be turned in by February 20, 2002. Applications will be taken again in September.
To Report Outage:
Call our Business Office at 542-0360 between the hours of 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
After 5:00 pm and Weekends call Communication Center 542-3911


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